Tuesday 28 May 2013

7 Effective Communication Skills

Effective Communication Skills

Communication is the only interaction that we make when we involve with another party. Regardless of whether it is personal relationship or a professional one, communication keeps us connected to one another in the community.

Therefore, communication is the main mechanism where the conflicts are arisen as well as they are solved. Effective communication can make sure that you communicate appropriately and correctly in order to minimize such confrontations.

In case there are disagreements or conflicts, effective communication can be again used for solving such issues.

The Main Skills for Effective Communication 

Following are the main skills one should have to master, to become an effective communicator. 
Although acquiring all these skills and mastering them to the same level seems to be challenging, knowing all these skills and slowly working on them will take you to the level you want to be in communication. 

1. Staying Focused 

When you deal with a current crisis or an argument, relating something from the past is quite natural. When a argument crops in the discussion goes out of topic and the situation can become quite complicated. 

Staying focused is one of the best skills not only for communicating under pressure, but for all types of communications ranging from lunch chitchats to board discussions. If you go out of focus, there is a high chance that the end result of the communication may not be effective. 

2. Listening Carefully 

Although people think that they are listening when another person talks, actually they are spending time planning what to say next. This is what we actually do! Therefore, you need to make an extra effort in order to listen to what the other person says and then come up with what you want to say. If you are not sure what you've heard, repeat it and ask for their confirmation. 

3. Understanding Others Point of Views 

In most of the communications, we always try to make it a point to express our thoughts and do not focus in understanding what the other person is trying to say. If we visualize ourselves in the situation the other person is going through, we can understand the impact of the communication. 

Remember, others also do the same! If you want them to hear you, you need to hear them and understand their point of view too. If you can really see through their point of view, you can actually explain yours in a clear and applicable way. 

4. Empathize when you are understood wrongly. 

We become really defensive when we are mis understood and criticized. Criticism has close ties with emotions and can be easily erupted. In communication it is really important to listen to the other person's pain and difficulties and respond with empathy. 

By being empathetic we can learn from the situation which can be useful for our future interaction. 

5. Being Responsible 

If you own the mistake and go for corrective action, it reflects your strength. Admit the errors in communication and focus on the corrective action rather than defensive mechanism . Admitting our mistakes will always enhance to build transparency and respect in the community which reflects maturity of yours. in handling the situation effectively. 

6. Compromise with alternative communication if necessary 

We love to win arguments all the time. But how often have you felt empty inside after winning an argument? Sometimes, winning an argument does not make sense. You may win the argument but might lose the cooperation from the team. Communication is not about winning. It's about getting things done effectively and efficiently. 

7. Take a Time-Out from the ineffective communication. 

To make the written communication more effective and you contribute constructively to the issue, you need to take stop and look back at the communication and understand if it makes sense to the audience. If the communication is intensive and deviating from the purpose better to stop and visualize how the communication can be looked through by others.

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